Calling For Creative Submissions!

The Friends group is working on its summer newsletter, the “Advocate.” In our last issue, we introduced a space called “Friends’ Grotto” to allow Devil’s Lake enthusiasts to contribute fun and creative content to our publication.

Do you have a poem, artwork, photo, or a favorite memory that you would like to share with us? If so, please send them in! Here’s the details: 1. Submissions must be original and nature-inspired or related to Devil’s Lake State Park. 2. Keep poems and stories 300 words or less, artwork and photo images must be high-resolution for printing. 3. Email or submit to our private Facebook inbox (@friendsofdevilslake). 4. The deadline to submit for our Fall issue is October 15th, January 15th for our Winter issue. Submissions may be edited by Friends for typos, space, etc.

You don’t need to be a member of the Friends to submit, but only members will receive a printed copy of our newsletter during the season (online newsletters will be posted on our website the following quarter).  Because we have limited printing space in our newsletter’s section, your submission may be included in a subsequent issue, and/or be posted to Facebook and Instagram.

Have you seen our online Spring 2019 newsletter? It’s available now AND in full color!