The Friends sponsors many fundraising activities to support Devil’s Lake State Park including firewood sales, sightseeing scenic viewers, and dedication pavers. The proceeds from our fundraising initiatives go into the general operating account managed by the Friends, and are used directly to support Devil’s Lake State Park.


Dedication Pavers

Personalized, engraved brick pavers can be purchased as a lasting memorial to a friend or loved one. The “dedication pavers” are installed in front of the North Shore Chateau. The pavers come in three different sizes and prices. If interested please click the below link complete the form.



The Friends arrange firewood sales for Park visitors each year as a fundraiser for the Park. Firewood bundles are available to campers and other park guests for a cost of $7/bundle (price subject to change). The Park now accepts credit card payments for convenience to park guests. Firewood is sold at the Visitor’s Center at the North Shore.


Scenic Viewers

Coin-operated Scenic Viewers are located at a number of Park vistas:

  • North Shore Beach (2)

  • South Shore (2)

  • West Bluff at Prospect Point

  • East Bluff just northwest of Balanced Rock

Viewers allow Park guests the opportunity to take in the spectacular geologic and biologic views while supporting Park maintenance. Park rangers collect the coins from the Viewers biannually and funds go directly to the Friends general account.