We Love New Members!

Complete the below form to choose your membership level and join the Friends today, or learn more about Member Benefits first.


Membership Rates

Annual Membership
$30 - Individual (one vote)
$50 - Family (two votes)

3-Year Membership
$80 - Individual
$140 - Family

Business Membership

Be a Part of Something Greater

Since 1996, members of the 501(c)3 non-profit Friends of Devil’s Lake State Park (FODL) contribute their minds, muscle, and money to support Wisconsin’s most visited state park.

We partner with park staff and volunteers to complete environmental and beautification projects, sponsor educational and recreational activities for park visitors, and raise funds to support special Park needs.

We welcome you to join us in preserving the beauty and accessibility of Devil's Lake for current and future park visitors. 

Member Benefits

The best benefit of membership is the great feeling of giving back to a Park you love! FODL funds have helped make many Park projects a reality, including:

  • Infrastructure improvements and upkeep

  • Water quality improvements

  • Ongoing battles against invasive species

  • Information kiosks, waysides and safety equipment

As a member, you'll receive:

  • Invitations to members-only Park events

  • Subscription to the Friends of Devil's Lake State Park Advocate newsletter, which provides information on special projects, Nature Center & FODL activities, park history, current events, etc.

  • 10% discount on food and merchandise at Devil's Lake State Park concessions (some exclusions apply)

  • The great feeling of supporting a public institution that provides access to nature to over 2.4 million people each year!

Business Membership

  • We are excited to welcome businesses and organizations in holding a special membership. In addition to the other regular membership perks, upon joining the business will have their logo displayed and promoted in the upcoming quarterly newsletter and thanking them for joining us as a member.