2018 Geology Tour group members, led by Bernadette Greenwood (at left)
Here’s your chance as a member of Friends of Devil’s Lake to gain in depth knowledge about the distinctive geology of certain parts of your beloved Devil’s Lake State Park and the surrounding area!
Our second annual Baraboo Area Geology Field Trip will be held on Saturday May 25, 2019, from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm. This members-only event is a Friends fundraiser.
Join us as we travel to local geological gems such as Point of Rocks, Ableman's Gorge, Van Hise Rock, and up the East Bluff Trail to Elephant Rock and Cave. The trip will begin at Devil’s Lake Visitor’s Center at 8:00 a.m. After check-in, and prior to loading the bus, we will provide a brief geologic history of the Baraboo Area. We will then travel via bus to our guided stops before coming back to Devil’s Lake for lunch a little after noon. After lunch, we will hike up the East Bluff Trail to witness additional clues to Baraboo’s geologic past. We plan to go rain or shine (with some exceptions). Lunch is not provided. Members can bring their own lunch or purchase one at Devil’s Lake State Park Concessions. (Bring proof of Friends’ membership and receive a 10% discount on food purchases). Not a member? Simply join us to become one!
The cost of the trip is $30 payable to Friends of Devil’s Lake State Park. Please send your NAME, PHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS TO friendsofdevilslakestatepark@gmail.com or to P.O. Box 209, Baraboo Wisconsin 53913 with your payment by Friday, May 17, 2019. The trip is limited to 30 Friends members, so if you want to go, please sign up early. We hope you can join us.