August 23-25, 2024
The American Alpine Club is teaming up with Tenaya this August 23-25, to bring the Devil's Lake Craggin’ Classic back to Wisconsin!
Come visit the Friends of Devil’s Lake at their booth on Friday and Saturday night!
We’re super excited to bring you this three-day grassroots climbing festival earlier in the season this year, and at a new location! All of our Devil’s Lake Craggin’ activities will be based out of Ski-Hi Fruit Farm, an over 100-year-old family run fruit farm that produces spiked cider, donuts, and more, and whose gorgeous orchards will be the backdrop of our festival.
Explore the beta-intensive puzzles of Devil’s Lake climbs and boulders, help raise money for the AAC and the Wisconsin Climber’s Association, and enjoy the prime sending temps.
This 3-day event will also include clinics led by pro climbers and guides, stewardship opportunities, a silent auction to score deals on gear, a talent show, local food trucks, and FREE BEER. We also offer a family-friendly clinic, and adaptive clinic —join us and carve out your space.
The Craggin’ at Devil’s Lake always has a lot of heart, but the soul of this event is climbers like you! Grab your climbing shoes and join us!
Registration opens June 27, 2024.